This document is a notice of intention to dissolve a partnership.
This is the appropriate precedent to use when the partnership duration is for an undefined term, and a partner provides notice to the other partner or partners of his or her intention to dissolve the partnership.
It allows for specific reference to the relevant partnership deed or agreement clause. Alternatively, or additionally, practitioners may wish to make reference to the partnership legislation in the applicable state or territory.
For situations involving the retirement of a partner and the continuation of the business of the partnership by the remaining partners, see to the precedent entitled “Dissolution deed with continuation of business after retirement as partner”. See the separate precedent “Notice of admission of new partner” where a new partner is being introduced into the partnership.
It is important to date the notice, so that the date of dissolution is clear.
This document has been authored for LexisNexis by Michael Heraghty, Partner, TressCox Lawyers, Rosemarie Ryan, Barrister and Jacqui L Walker, Principal Lawyer, J L Walker Law.
This document is prepared with the assistance of Specialist Editor Stephen Newman, Executive Counsel, Ponte Earle.