For Advisors
Your Practice or Consultancy can have access to a comprehensive library of over 750+ documents as well as Company Registration, SMSF establishment, Trusts and Estate Planning

Our documents can help you assist your clients Start, Run and or Sell a business, these documents are from Lexis Nexis Australia and experienced business Lawyers.
Get our selection of high quality checklists for your clients for free when you authorise an affiliate document with us. Once your affiliate code is registered on the AusDocsOnline service, your clients will be able to select and checkout with your affiliate code all the checklists for free.
Company Registration - $631 Instant email delivery - $703 Full service delivery
SMSF establishment - $234 Instant email delivery - $374 Full service delivery
Trusts (Discretionary (family) - $159 instant email delivery - $252 Full Service delivery
Estate Planning (from) - $220 Full service delivery only
See below all the included applicable value adds from AusDocs and its partner
- ABN or TFN
included in the price of the service
- Training and Advice
As a client of AusDocsOnline you are able to access our support Partner over the phone for
free advice from the extended team of specialists right across the above product suite. You
can also access lawyers as required for up to 15 minutes free of charge when you need help
or opinions on structures or Estate Planning information and the like. There is not a limit on
the advice providing it is general advice in regards to structures or the above suite of
-Access to free CPD Webinars
With our partner we provide free monthly Webinars, these total around 20 per annum. CPD
hours range from $85 - $150 per hour so you can quickly build up significant cost savings
especially when one considers these are available to ALL staff as required.
-Integrations – Bank Accounts
You can use our Integrations to initiate a Macquarie CMA Account or pre-fill a National Bank
CMA application form when you establish a Company. This is a tremendous time saving and
an amazing service saving hours of time.
- Integration – Software
We can populate order forms using Xero PM which will save significant time when you are
establishing a Company, in addition, if the client is a new one, we can push the data back
and create a new structure in BGL or Xero, again, amazing time savings.
- Ordering Multiple Structures at the same time
Our Portal enables you to set up a Company and an underlying structure such as Trusts
(SMSF, Discretionary, unit, fixed or non-fixed) in the same order form rather than set up a
company then set up a Trust, again, enhances data integrity and saves time establishing 2
structures in the one order form.
SMSF establishment - $234 Instant email delivery - $374 Full service delivery
Trusts (Discretionary (family) - $159 instant email delivery - $252 Full Service delivery
Estate Planning (from) - $220 Full service delivery only
See below all the included applicable value adds from AusDocs and its partner
- ABN or TFN
included in the price of the service
- Training and Advice
As a client of AusDocsOnline you are able to access our support Partner over the phone for
free advice from the extended team of specialists right across the above product suite. You
can also access lawyers as required for up to 15 minutes free of charge when you need help
or opinions on structures or Estate Planning information and the like. There is not a limit on
the advice providing it is general advice in regards to structures or the above suite of
-Access to free CPD Webinars
With our partner we provide free monthly Webinars, these total around 20 per annum. CPD
hours range from $85 - $150 per hour so you can quickly build up significant cost savings
especially when one considers these are available to ALL staff as required.
-Integrations – Bank Accounts
You can use our Integrations to initiate a Macquarie CMA Account or pre-fill a National Bank
CMA application form when you establish a Company. This is a tremendous time saving and
an amazing service saving hours of time.
- Integration – Software
We can populate order forms using Xero PM which will save significant time when you are
establishing a Company, in addition, if the client is a new one, we can push the data back
and create a new structure in BGL or Xero, again, amazing time savings.
- Ordering Multiple Structures at the same time
Our Portal enables you to set up a Company and an underlying structure such as Trusts
(SMSF, Discretionary, unit, fixed or non-fixed) in the same order form rather than set up a
company then set up a Trust, again, enhances data integrity and saves time establishing 2
structures in the one order form.
If you would like to offer free checklists to your clients about, starting, running and or selling a business click here.
or email us at or call us on (02) 8379 6980