This document is a basic, short form agreement for part time employment, suitable for use with employment of permanent, non-award employees on a part time basis. It contains clauses typically used for documentation of part time working arrangements. If you need a clause dealing with a more unusual circumstance, you may find a suitable clause among the collection of individual clauses offered separately. |
In addition, there is a longer form employment agreement available separately (“Basic employment agreement (long form)”), which is suitable for both full time and part time employees. There is also a separate precedent agreement, which allows an employee to move from full time to part time for a specific period of time (“Part-time work agreement”).
This document has been co-authored for LexisNexis by Joe Catanzariti, Vice President of the Fair Work Commission, Sydney; Michael Byrnes, Special Counsel, Clayton Utz, Sydney and Brooke Pendlebury, Principal, Pendlebury Workplace Law, Sydney.
This document is prepared with the assistance of Specialist Editor Justine Turnbull, Partner, Seyfarth Shaw Australia.