Introductory note
This precedent is a whistleblower policy. This policy provides a framework for whistleblowers to disclose information. It deals with issues relating to misconduct, malpractice, internal controls and conflicts of interest, to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations applicable to the company and its employees, and to deal with concerns that are likely to arise in the work environment. This policy applies to all employees. Related precedents This policy may be used in conjunction with the “Employee standard of conduct guidelines”, and the “Grievance policy”. For an employment agreement, see the separate precedent collection, including the “Basic employment agreement (short form)” and “Basic employment agreement (long form)”.
This precedent has been updated by Ben Dudley, Partner and Rebecca Brediceanu, Associate, Seyfarth Shaw Australia. Previous versions of this were authored by Brooke Pendlebury, Principal, Pendlebury Workplace Law. This precedent is prepared with the assistance of Specialist Editor Justine Turnbull, Partner, Seyfarth Shaw Australia.