This document is an absenteeism policy. This policy provides information for employees in relation to absenteeism from the workplace, for whatever reason. The policy also sets out how an employer may manage situations where an employee is absent from the workplace. This policy is suitable for use in any business with persons who are: · permanent employees (including full time and part time); · fixed-term employees; · casual employees; and · temporary agency staff and contractors. |
This policy may be used in conjunction with other policies, such as “Termination of employment policy” and “Annual leave policy”. For an employment agreement, see the separate precedent collection, including the “Basic employment agreement (short form)” and “Basic employment agreement (long form)”.
This document has been authored for LexisNexis and is authorised by Brooke Pendlebury, Principal, Pendlebury Workplace Law, Sydney.
This document is prepared with the assistance of Specialist Editor Justine Turnbull, Partner, Seyfarth Shaw Australia.