
Part-time work agreement (+Rtn from Mat leave or full time to part time or fixed period

Part-time work agreement (+Rtn from Mat leave or full time to part time or fixed period

Regular price $90.00

This document is an agreement to allow an employee to move from full time to part time for a fixed and specified period of time. For instance, it may be used when an employee returns from maternity leave for a specified period.

It allows employees to retain their right to their substantive positions (ie the full time position).

As you will notice, this agreement provides for the ability to return to the full time employment arrangement.

For an employment agreement (or offer of employment) for a part time employee, see the separately available precedents:

·                “Basic employment agreement (long form)”;

·                “Basic employment agreement (short form)”; and

“Employment agreement (part time)”.

This document has been authored for LexisNexis by Brooke Pendlebury, Principal, Pendlebury Workplace Law, Sydney.

This document is prepared with the assistance of Specialist Editor Justine Turnbull, Partner, Seyfarth Shaw Australia.