Use this letter when acting for a purchaser in a conveyancing matter. You can use this letter to send a copy of the contract to the purchaser for review and signature prior to exchange of contracts. This is a short form version of a letter sending the contract. To provide more detailed advice, consider using the precedent “Letter to purchaser client advising on contract (long form)”. Advising the purchaser The terms of this letter may vary depending on whether you will be seeing the purchaser to review the contract in person or whether you are advising by way of correspondence only. It is prudent to advise in detail when sending the contract. You should keep a contemporaneous file note of any advice given to the purchaser if you do see him or her in person. This letter contains optional signing instructions, which you can use if the purchaser will not be signing in your presence. It is also important to identify the purchaser and obtain a copy of identification for your file. For example, in New South Wales, Land and Property Information requires certified copies of such identification in order to register the transfer. |
This letter is drafted on the assumption that you have had previous contact with your client if this is not the case, you may wish to include an introductory paragraph thanking the client for their instructions and enclosing your costs agreement.
This precedent has been authored for LexisNexis by Emma Heuston, Principal Lawyer, LegalVision.
This document is prepared with the assistance of General Editor Christopher Conolly, Partner, TressCox Lawyers and Specialist Editor, Peter Rosier, Principal, Rosier Partners Lawyers.